Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Happenings Lately

If you follow me on Instagram you know July is birthday month in our house & we've already marked the BEST one off our calendars.  And the second best one (mine!) is up next on Sunday! We had a fun low-key time celebrating the big number 4 on 7-11.  I've been trying to survive this killer Arizona heat so we spend almost everyday swimming.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Alphabet Felt Garland

I just made something fun to hang above my son's closet.  I followed the same directions to cut the felt letters as the Quote Pillow I made a few months ago.  Very slowly stitch together and hang! 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy 4th of July

Tomorrow we celebrate America, those who fought for our freedom and those who continue to protect our independence.  I am grateful for a father who taught me the incredible blessings I have of living in this great country, as well as a brother who serves in the Air Force. My freedom and rights are something I never take for granted and to those who have served, are serving and families of service men and women I once again with all the humility in my heart say 
Thank You.

I hope you all have a fun and safe weekend remembering how lucky we are to live in 
the United States of America.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

DIY Donut Float

I found this plain donut float at the Dollar Tree the other day and obviously I had to take it to the next level and add sprinkles...I just free-handed the oblong shapes with multi-surface paint. I'm obsessed.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Tips for Naked Cakes

Hey guys! I wanted to share some tips for beginners to making those super popular "naked cakes".  My sister in law & I made the one for my mom's wedding, which turned out awesome, so let's shrink it down & make a cake for your next special event!
The first step is greasing your cake pans. You need your cakes to come out perfectly and the best way to to that is rub with Crisco then coat with flour. Fill your pans up half-way so they're nice and thick.

If you don't have cake-pan wrappy things to make them level, just use a serrated knife to even them out, in flatness & thickness as well...you want the layers to look even.

You want a thick and sturdy frosting to hold up those layers.  Sidenote: For the big wedding cake, we used dowels to help hold everything up.

Start by spreading a little frosting on your cake stand before your first layer to hold the cake on.

Using a big round frosting tip, pipe a generous layer of frosting on, extending aaaalmost to the edge.

Check up on how even your layers are stacking up, and if necessary, add more frosting in.

Even out any frosting that may have been squished out of the sides.

For the top we did like on the wedding cake, pipe some round mounds on, and using a wide knife or off-set spatula, place in the middle of your mound and gently pull the frosting into the center.

Top with flowers, cake topper, sprinkles, or anything fun and you're set to party!

Friday, June 19, 2015

honeycombs are my favorite

Hi friends! I just wanted to pop in and share a few pictures from 2 events I helped decorate.  The first was a bridal shower with a beach theme, and the second was a baptism.  I am currently obsessed with honeycomb, super easy & cheap decorations and they come in tons of colors!