Here’s a more in-depth look into what our diaper backpack looked like for about the first 6 months of Baby Blake’s life. It’s altered now because obviously he eats and is entertained differently than he was as a baby. I remember my first baby we had those over-the-shoulder side bags that always fell off when you had to bend over to grab something...or the baby. And it was basically just a large, ugly abyss of all the baby crap your were SURE you’d need in case the apocalypse came while you were at the grocery store.
Thank goodness cute, compact backpacks came into style with a million compartments that make it easy to wear or grab. HALLELUJAH. The one I have I bought somewhere online...probably off amazon? But you can find it literally anywhere. It’s help up amazingly well and I still really like it. The same bag for a whole year...that’s a record.
Alright let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Let’s get specific and say this bag is geared towards 0-6 month babies and I promise I’ll do an updated version for an older baby.
First and foremost, you’re still a human and need your own crap. I have a small pouch that carries things like, throat drops, lipgloss, cough drops, tampons, Tylenol, neosporin, hand sanitizer, and even a tiny fan (because, Arizona). I also have a very small, basic first aid kit because I have a 7 year old, too & it’s come in handy especially at the park and in case that dang apocalypse comes. Gum and wallet wrap up my own personal items that I put into the bag.
Baby stuff starts with a good diaper & wipes case. I love mine because it has a wipes dispenser, room for 4 diapers AND a changing pad and even a zippered pocket in the back I put a diaper baggie in, all in a wipable pouch with a leather handle. It’s perfect.
Things you may need, that we very quickly did not...bottle with a formula pouch inside, an extra binkie, a swaddle, a light muslin blanket and very necessary for us, a nursing cover.
For “toiletries” there’s travel size Honest lotion, Babyganics sunscreen, bug spray and hand sanitizer foam. Yes, I use all these and they fit neatly in one of the pouches so I don’t have to worry about packing them anytime we go outside.
Finish it out with a onesie, because crap happens...and a burp cloth & small crinkle toy if your baby is into it.
Last tip is that I throw in samples of things like diaper cream and hand sanitizing wipes to keep the bulkiness down.
That’s it. Decide where everything fits and put it there everything single time. Not just for your sanity, but for when the baby is spitting up and you can yell at your husband, BURP CLOTH! INSIDE LEFT POCKET!!! It works.
Could you survive with about half this? Probably. But not if the apocalypse comes at the grocery store...