Friday, February 5, 2016

French Valentine Printable

So when I was in high school, I took French. It was the only other foreign language offered besides Spanish.  EVERYONE took spanish, and so being the "cool" freshman that I was, signed up to take French as my foreign language.  I also signed up for theatre....I did NOT have to repeat theatre, but I did have to re-take a foreign language class. fail. But blocking that horrible french teacher from my memory, I sometimes like to pretend I can speak French, because it's so much more romantic than Spanish, right?!  (I know way more and better spanish)
So come pretend that you, too, can speak gorgeous French with an impeccable accent with this fun Valentines Printable. "Je t'aime mon amour" (google)translates to "I love you, my darling".
I got mine printed out as an engineer print from Staples. It comes with the lines printed so you can perfectly it to be a gorgeous hanging banner but attaching a dowel & bakers twine.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Heart "Scallop" Wreath

This wreath is so easy & self-explanatory, it doesn't even merit a tutorial. It's simple and creates a look of scallops when completed, but is 100% Valentines with hearts.
 Use a foam wreath, your choice of felt (I only needed one of each color), and hot glue.
Tie some cute ribbon over the little gap you may be left with & you're done!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Valentines Suckers with Printable Tag

I found this adorable set of suckers at the dollar store & they were so cute and the perfect size 
to be turned into Valentines. 
Take the printable at the bottom of this post & tie them on with some adorable ribbon, 
sequins or pom-poms. Little effort, lots of cuteness.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Lipstick Kisses Canvas

Here's a quick, simple & fun Valentine's Day decoration idea that will give you a perfect excuse to buy some cheap lipsticks and kiss your heart out!
Take a plain white canvas & pucker those lips with lipsticks and smooch away!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Favorite Things: January

Favorite Things Friday is switching to Favorite Things Monthly this year!  So while we're quickly working our way through January, let's get started with some of my current favorite things.
While most of these favorites are "beauty" related, I've also got some amazing items you HAVE to try soon.  So let's dive in! Give me a minute to talk about why I love them & at the bottom are the full names & links if applicable. (All opinions are mine & none of the links are affiliate links.)
1. Aztec Clay Mask.  THANK YOU SADIE JANE  for snapchatting about this!  I have had such picky skin for like all my life & I love this mask. It's a powder that you mix with apple cider vinegar (I use 1tsp. of both) and apply to a mask that hardens and it has helped so much. 
2. Vitamin C serum.  I'll be turning 26 this year & I had this internal panic about getting old and wrinkles and my under eye circles...this helps tighten, brighten, and smooth.  LOVE it.
3. Caramels.  Found at Target by the checkout. They're not healthy or fancy but they are delicious.  And you're right, that bag is empty because I have no self control.
4. Vapor Stick.  I love the breathe essential oils & they are a life saver, especially during the winter/cold months to really open up your chest and stuffy nose. This stick is new and I am obsessed.
5. Dry Shampoo.  While on the higher price end, my lovely hair dresser sister in law gave me this for Christmas & I am pretty sure there's no turning back now.  I've post about the PhD 5-in-1 & their dry shampoo keeps me a huge fan.  Well played Jennifer Aniston, well played.
6. Vaseline Tin.  My lips have been addicted to chap stick since high school.  But this changed everything. I only apply this at night before bed & I never need anything during the day.  It's less oily than straight Vaseline & even more effective. It's brand new to the states, comes in a few different types and is finally out in stores.
3. Lovely Candy Co. Caramels 
4. Breathe vapor stick from DoTerra Oils 
6. Vaseline Lip Therapy Tin 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

14 Striped Sign

This Valentine's Day sign is as easy as it is cute!  The only thing I had to go buy is the wood circle from Hobby Lobby, and they come in a 3 pack so you can have one for every holiday!

 Just as easy as that! Obviously make sure to let the white paint dry before applying the tape for the pink paint coat.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Happenings Lately

Hi Friends!!! I hope you all had amazing holidays and made special memories with wonderful people in your lives!  I went MIA here, but there was no shortage of crafting or Christmas-ing behind the scenes.  If you follow me on Instagram (@tiedribbon), you'll have seen a few of these or some on snapchat (katiecarranza).  But here's a few shots into some fun things that I was up to during my slightly long blog hiatus.  I'm diving right back into holiday crafting and have some fun Valentine projects headed your way.  Thanks for following along!!