Monday, July 14, 2014

Favorite Things: Food Edition

This could almost be called "Favorite Things: Trader Joe's Edition".  So if you don't live by a Trader Joe' apologies in advance.
1. Veggie & Flaxseed Tortilla Chips from Trader Joe's
2. Hummus (basically of any variety with above chips) from Trader Joe's
3. Cold Pressed Juice from Trader Joe's (same juice but less than half the price as brand juices)
4. 100% Juice Smoothies from Trader Joe's
5. Powdered Peanut Butter from Amazon 
6. Cookie Butter from Trader Joe's
7. Larabar (also in any variety)

Those are just some of what I've been buying on the regular lately.  I'm pretty proud most of them are healthy aside from the cookie butter! But we all need a little sweet treat to help us stay sane, right?!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Happenings Lately

We spent an amazing few days visiting family and celebrating the Fourth home in San Diego & it was picture perfect.  Lots of water fun, pancake breakfast, neighborhood parade, yummy food, a gorgeous farmers market, family time, a mini birthday celebration and suddenly it's 4 days later I'm still in a vacation hangover.  Take me back home!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Today we celebrate America, those who fought for our freedom and those who continue to protect our independence.  This 4th of July is especially exciting because my Air Force brother will be coming home after being out of the country for the past year.  I am so proud of him and grateful to have had a father who taught me what a blessing and privilege it it to live and enjoy this amazing country.  My freedom and rights are something I never take for granted and to those who have served, are serving and families of service men and women I once again with all the humility in my heart say 
Thank You.

I hope you all have a fun and safe weekend!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Why I love Silk for More Than the Benefits of Almond Milk...

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser.

PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one with a child who is milk-obsessed. I'm not? Great! Now that we've all got that off our chest, let's move onto something that will make you the best mom ever. Silk Almond Milk. Why? Because not only does Silk have the amazing benefits of almond milk, but they have other delicious flavors other than the good ol' original. Let's take a trip, shall we?!
I go to Safeway for my Silk because they have WAY better selection always in stock than other stores. (I buy it bi-weekly, take my word.)

Silk Almond Milk is right where you buy regular cow milk.  You see all that goodness on the right? Six glorious selves full....  Now like I said I buy it bi-weekly. I usually buy the dark chocolate flavor for my morning protein shake. And being part of #CollectiveBias I was exposed to some new flavors and suddenly two cartons ended up in my cart and on my kitchen table.  I'd feel bad about it....since when is buying healthy and delicious Almondmilk something to apologize for?!

I got a new Silk for my son & I....Silk Almond Coconut Blend & Almondmilk Protein+Fiber. I started adding the Protein+Fiber to my shakes for the amazing added benefits and yummy taste it adds. My son loves the AlmondCoconutBlend as a post-nap milk treat (and even the protein+fiber because it's delicious as well!)

We're a milk-loving family and I love being able to give my son Almondmilk that not only tastes delicious but I know is healthy and full of worry-free goodness. I can't wait to add these new flavors to my bi-weekly Almondmilk grocery list and to try some almond milk recipes!

Learn more about the amazing benefits of Silk Almondmilk & follow on Facebook.

Friday, June 27, 2014

State Cake & being homesick

In case you know zero about me, (because it's the first thing I tell people) I am originally from the gorgeous state of California. And living in absurdly hot Arizona I ache for home quite often, so I obviously did the mature thing and myself a cake to cheer myself up!

To make your state cake, print off an outline, then make a stencil out of wax or freezer paper.  Very lightly press down and apply sprinkles of choice. Remove and smooth any frosting down. BOOM! You, my friend, have made one of the coolest cakes ever with little to no effort. 

Hello you amazing state...I'll be seeing you next weekend.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Printable Bottle Labels

A few months ago I shared this fun DIY & printable at Sugar Bee Crafts and I'm sharing the full post for you here today so you can all have fancy bottles at your next party!

 I styled them by removing the top label off my Martinelli's bottle, attaching the wrapper with a piece of double sided tape in the back. Then tied a paper straw around the neck of the bottle with bakers twine.

Download the sheets of 4 labels HERE & HERE. Happy Partying!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Paint Splatter Doily Banner

Here's a fun DIY that's adaptable to any occasion.
Just take doilies and spread them out. Take a paintbrush full of paint and splatter to your hearts content. Layer the paint and let dry.  Fold in half and glue to bakers twine and hang!