Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Being a Mom to "Just One"

See this cute little man? He is 2.6 years old, he has an infectious laugh, a smile that gets him out of trouble, skinny chicken legs, a giant personality & I'm completely obsessed with him.

Today I want to share my thoughts & feelings (that I'm sure other mothers have) of why I'm perfectly content with "just" one.

If you've been around here to read my post about Being a Young Mom, you'll know that Clayton came when I wasn't sure if I was ready & now I cannot imagine my life without him.  Everyday he makes me laugh & often cry...because that's part of motherhood too.  Somedays I struggle to get everything done I need to AND stay a happy mom.  It's hard- especially with a toddler! 
To quote one Charlotte York, "Being a parent is so hard, and I have full-time help. How do the mothers without nannies do it?" 
Amen sister. Yes, babies are cute but even when I have the tiniest inclination for another, my lovely child throws a tantrum & I remember how much patience just this one takes.  Being an impatient person, I'm sure my sanity cannot handle 2 little ones right now. I want to be a great mother & I feel like I'm still learning how to deal with just this 1....will I ever be completely "prepared"? Probably not, but mentally ready is definitely something I can works towards.

 & like I said...I'm obsessed.  Like, wanna squeeze all day, can't stop telling him I love him & kiss him a silly amount. (so much so that he's starting kissing his toys often because that what you do with something you love, right?!) And honestly, I don't know how I could love another one this is it possible to have even more room in my heart? I just feel like I can never get enough.  Even with breaks, and some times much needed naps, I still cannot wait to have him back in my arms & hear his cute conversations.

Now, everyone else I know that has a child Clayton's age is either pregnant or already has their 2nd. You guys go! You grow your little family! Trust me, one day I will too when the timing is right....but for right now, I'm 110% content with spending everyday being completely infatuated with "just" my one.  And I think that's take time with our little ones. To focus on them, because they'll just be the only child once, right? I'm still learning, growing, working on patience, teaching, having fun & loving on this cute one.  


  1. Love it! And yes, when the time is right you will have enough room in your heart for another one. And Clayton won't be any less loved. Katie you are awesome!! Motherhood fits you perfectly!

  2. I completely understand and felt the same way with my first. Totally obsessed - but so totally NOT ready for another. Once he hit 4 that all changed :) And now I have a tantrum throwing 18 month old AND a 7 year old, lol!

  3. Don't wonder if you will have enough room in your heart for another child. I am going to let you in on a little secret that mothers of more than one know: Your heart actually grows!'s true.

    Treasure every day with your little guy. And you will know. If and when, you will know.
